Dear Diary: I saved a lot of cats today! - Tasear's Tree House

Former Class Rep and Community Ambassador

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dear Diary: I saved a lot of cats today!

>..<  Missed the first day as patch was huge... and wanted to avoid any bugs, but at last coming into South Elsweyr feels like everyone is already an expert. Still kind stranger from zone helped me out, and I got all wayshires while dragon hunting.

Yes in honor of my lost kitty I killed many dragons today! Mind you wayshires in south make dragon hunting much easier... especially now that they move. Was running in north, and then dragon ran away just when I arrived. Mind you later, I caught up and regretted I did...

Storm Dragon takes a pun at all those who move to side when dragon takes flight.  It picks us off on side if we aren't careful.... while also having move aoe in middle to add to effect.  What I learned in facing them off is make sure not to back yourself into a wall aka staircase in a few of my deaths. Still that wasn't it for stormy!

Had my hands full when I realized dragon can now make us bleed. I had made more then a few mistake before I realized. I thought to lower the damage with vampire skill instead of healing like a healer should. Now only did I die... but rest of allies in hunt where doing it.

Eventually I got hang of new dragons, but I it never lost it's luster as I really felt a healer was needed to make these fights more successful. Though... wish some  more of them would pop my orb. I am like you just died... clearly you could use the sustain fool! Not sure how many dragons I killed but made 5 sets of heroism potions for my healer! Still feels too expensive to use willy niy. But south defiently makes it easier to make so no regrets on my purchase with that... and those 2 skill points.

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