Essential list of add-ons for Trials in Elder Scrolls Online - Tasear's Tree House

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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Essential list of add-ons for Trials in Elder Scrolls Online


Raid Notifier

Need level: Essential
This add on is a standard requirement for PC Trial groups  It helps with leading trials as it will tell you when essential mechanics are on a certain player, but it also helps guide players to success in warnings when mechanics about to happen to you. 

Originally created by Silentgecko this addon started out with a few alerts but has since grown to huge proportion. Ranging for alerts that let you know there's a certain effect on you to alerts that warn you about an incoming hit. It's almost as if you can see into the future! Now of course there are still things you will need to look out for yourself but hopefully Raid Notifier will ease some of the burden

Download Here

Bandit's User Interface

Need level: Essential
This Add-on is becoming essential for raids as all that it does for groups. It has features for tanks, healers and dps that they can use. For tanks their's untaunted and ultimate share. For healers, there's hps meter, and synergy tracker. It will track countdown for skills. It gives report for damage/healering real time along with a death counter.

Based on FTC modules (thx to Atropos for permissions). Has low weight, high performance and huge functionality.
stable version - tested add-on version is here.
beta version - newest version with beta functionality.

- Different UI styles, Themes
- Group and Raid frames, regrouper, death counter, ability to see group members stats, buffs
- Combat statistics, combat log, group statistics
- Buffs, Widgets, Ability timers
- Minimap (does not supports gamepad mode)
- Combat reticle and reticle timers
- Quick slots managar
- Custom bar
- Combat notifications
- Frames movement mode (default and add-on)
- Automation
- Healer helper
- Champion system helper

Download Here

Code's Combat Alerts

Need level: Mild
This add-on is more like an companion add on to Raid Notifier. It will provide you with essential things that could be causing group failures in raids. It also provides alerts for Arena aka 4 man trials. Lastly, a great companion to harder dungeons.

Code's Combat Alerts provides notifications and alerts for a selection of PvE mechanics.

Download Here

Urich's Coffer Timer
Need level: Nice to Have
If you find yourself doing a lot of trials this is nice to have so you can track the timer between your characters.

Are you tired of running trials and finding out at the very end that it's been less than a week since you last completed and collected a coffer for that particular trial and character? Do you wish there was a tool which would keep that kind of information in a handy display so that you can choose which character you need to run? Well look no further! Urich's Coffer Timer is a simple addon that records the time of completion for any trial quest and starts a seven day countdown timer so that you'll always know which of your characters is eligible for each trial quest reward coffer. You can show or hide the window by binding a hotkey or by entering the slash command. Slash command information is below.

Download Here

Open Glaza (Cloudrest Assistant) 
Need level: Situational
This add on is Essential for Cloudrest Progression and Raid leading of the Trial. It will help you with timing of portal groups, and other essential mechanics.

Small addon which can get you some help with vCR. Now It can:
Track Roaring Flare, draw alert+timer+arrow to the debuffed Player (like a compass). On the 2nd stage, with shadow Z'Maja, addon send alerts like that: "@PLAYER1 <---- ----="" 5="" flare="" in=""> @PLAYER2" - and @player1 go to the left side, @player2 go to the right side. ATTENTION: for the successful split to the sides on the execution stage with that addon-helper all raid members should have it.
Track Portal group number and show alert with that number
Track Malevolent cores (spheres in the shadow realm) - show when you or anyone else found sphere and when drop sphere to spear.

Need level: Situational
This is an essential Addon for Groups doing veteran Sunpsire with consideration of varias tactics. This add on will show most important timers focusing on adds, and mechanical situations. This add on goes well with code's combat alerts as companion for other alerts it has missed.

Trash / All Raid :
Tracks ALL heavies including bosses and the eternal servant.
Jode´s Fire-Fang Jump.
ALL Meteors and Comets including those dropping during bossfights or inside the portal.

Lokkestiiz (Ice Boss) :

  • Ice Tombs:
    • Tomb spawn and which tomb it is
    • Remaining time until you have to pick it up
  • Adds a countdown for the bosses beam attack during his flight.
  • Fire Spit during Lokke and Nahvin that will pop an AoE and then spawn an Atronach.

Yolnakiin (Fire Boss) :

  • Alerts you when fire atros spawn.

Nahvintaas (Gold Boss) :

  • Notifies you about the sweeping breath mechanic and its direction.
  • Alerts you when boss cast the Thrash mechanic.
  • Portal Notifications:
    • Portal spawn as well as well as the remaining time until it expires
    • When to bash the Eternal Servant and its cone attacks
    • How much time until the next pin
  • Notifies you about the fire storm mechanic, also working downstairs if you and one upstairs people are using optional libraries.
  • Show a countdown about the time remaining to finish the eternal servant before wipe (3 pins).

Halls of Fabrication (Veteran) Status Panel
Need level: Situational
This is Essential add on for veteran Halls of Fabrication. It gives mechanical alerts content as well as timers for mechanics.

This addon provides a status panel with useful information for certain bosses in the Veteran version of Halls of Fabrication. This addon is particularly useful for tanks and raid leads.

Boss #1:

  • Displays the current health percentages of both bosses, so that players don't need to install one of those bulky combat UI overhaul addons in order to keep track of the relative health of the bosses.

Boss #2:

  • Displays the severity of the Scalded healing debuff, and if the debuff is active, the time remaining on the debuff.
  • The Scalded healing debuff increases in strength based on how long you were in the steam and can range from 10% to 100% (at which point you cannot be healed at all). This feature will let you know the current strength of the debuff on you.
  • Displays the amount of time that last elapsed since the previous Simulacra (split) mechanic.
  • Splits happen approximately once every 45 seconds, but the timing can vary; in particular, overlap of mechanics can cause a significant delay in the split mechanic.
  • Notifies a player if it detects that a Simulacra and Centurion Hammer strike are about to strike that player at around the same time.
  • Unfortunately, the amount of warning given is usually less than a second before it becomes too late to react, and there is no way to know and to warn of this any earlier.

Boss #4:

  • Displays the current health percentages of all three bosses, so that players don't need to install one of those bulky combat UI overhaul addons in order to keep track of the relative health of the bosses.
  • Displays the amount of time that has elapsed since the start of the previous Overload/Overheat channels.
  • The Overload/Overheat channels (aka, the boss 4 tank swap mechanic) happens approximately once every 30s. The exact timing varies slightly (more so if it happens to coincide with a boss stun).
  • The timer is reset to 0s at the start of the swap mechanic. So seeing that the timer has reset means that the swap mechanic is currently underway, which can be helpful for the times when the visual effect is obscured by other ongoing combat effects.
  • Knowing that swaps happen approximately every 30s, players can also watch the timer to know when the bosses are nearing the start of the next swap mechanic.
  • By default, the timer is visible only if you have the tank role selected and/or if you are the group leader. This can be overridden by typing the /hofntimer timer into chat, which will show the timer even if you are not a tank or group leader.
  • Displays the amount of time that has elapsed since the start of the previous trap spawn channel by the Reactor.
  • Traps spawn approximately every 30s, but the timing is variable and can vary in either direction by a few seconds.
  • This should help groups better coordinate when to bring the bosses in for a stun.
  • By default, the timer is visible only if you have the tank role selected and/or if you are the group leader. This can be overridden by typing the /hofntimer timer into chat, which will show the timer even if you are not a tank or group leader.

Boss #5:

  • Notifies of the start of the Exhaustion debuff in execute and displays the current stage of the debuff and the number of seconds spent at the current stage.
  • This debuff is the cause of the increased incoming damage late in execute, and once it is applied to the group, it will increase in strength every 15 seconds.
  • Since each stage of the debuff lasts 15 seconds, if, for example, you see that you are 13 seconds into the second stage of the debuff, you will know that the third stage will hit imminently.
  • This may help groups that use mitigation ultimates to better plan and time their use.

Download Here

Asylum Sanctorium Status Panel
Need level: Situational
This is Essential add on for veteran Asylum Sanctorium. It gives mechanical alerts content as well as when to focus on minis.

Status panel guide:
Saint Llothis the Pious (only when engaged with Olms)

  • Number of seconds since the last Defiled Blast (green mini-timer) The time between this mechanic is approximately 22±2s
  • Number of seconds since the last Oppressive Bolts channel (orange mini-timer) The time between his channels is variable, but there is a minimum of 12s between channels. This can be used to help identify windows where it is safe for interrupters to briefly turn their attention elsewhere.
  • Number of seconds since the last Pernicious Transmission (teleport)The time between this mechanic is approximately 30±5s
  • Enragement timing
  • When the mini-boss is active, this timer counts up and tracks how long the boss has been active. Enragement starts when the boss has been active for 3 minutes.
  • When the mini-boss is inactive, this timer counts down and tracks how long it will be before the mini-boss reactivates.
  • Enragement status
  • If the mini-boss is enraged, a number will appear here showing the degree of enragement. Every 20s, enragement increases in intensity, up to a maximum of 6 stacks.

Saint Felms the Bold (only when engaged with Olms)

  • Number of seconds remaining on the teleport cooldown
    • After Felms' third Teleport Strike, there is a 20s cooldown before he will teleport again. This timer counts down the number of seconds remaining in this cooldown.
  • Enragement timing (same as above)
  • Enragement status (same as above)

Storm the Heavens

  • This timer tracks the number of seconds since the last Storm the Heavens (i.e., Olms' "lightning rain") mechanic.
  • This mechanic is scheduled to happen every 35s, but can be delayed by other mechanics that are in progress or queued. In particular, it would appear that both the steam breath and the execute-phase fire mechanics take precedence over the storm.
    • For example, if the main tank sees that the timer is at 34s and Olms is starting a steam breath, they might call to the group, "Lightning after Olms finishes this steam breath".
    • Note: During execute, the addition of the fire mechanic competing for scheduling means you will sometimes see Storm the Heavens happen as late as 50s.

Ordinated Protector

  1. When a Protector is active, the timer will be white (<75s or="" orange="">75s) and will count the number of seconds since the Protector's spawn. Protectors must be killed within 90s of spawning to avoid the spawning of an additional penalty Protector.
  2. After a Protector dies, the timer will turn green and will count the number of seconds since the Protector's death; the next Protector will spawn 10±2s after the previous Protector's death.
  3. Penalty Protectors are not tracked since they do not spawn additional Protectors upon death.


  • This will appear if you are affected by Felms' Maim and will count down the number of seconds remaining.
  • The purpose of this is to give better feedback to the player of when they are maimed, in hopes that it will make it easier for the player to learn to avoid the things that can maim them.

On-screen notifications:
Oppressive Bolts (Llothis)

  • This is a 2-part ability. Llothis will do a knockback with a 1-second cast time, followed by a 6-second channel. This notifies at the start of the 1s knockback ability. Ideally, if Llothis is interrupted during the 1s knockback ability, the 6s channel can be avoided entirely.

Teleport Strike (Felms)

  • This notifies the players who are targeted by Felms' Teleport Strike. Players who are assigned to kite the Teleport Strikes are advised to also keep an eye on the cooldown timer in the status panel.

Exhaustive Charges (Olms)

  • This notifies a player if they are targeted by Exhaustive Charges (i.e., "static lightning pool"). This notification differs from the notification in Raid Notifier in that this notification happens slightly later, once a target has been acquired. RN's notification will notify everyone, even if they are not targeted, because at the point RN notifies, targeting information is not yet available.

Add Spawns (Olms)

  • Notification of when a Protector or mini-boss has spawned.
    • Note: As of version 1.1.1, this notification is disabled by default, as it is made redundant by the new Protector timer.


Purge Tracker 

Need level: Situational
This add on is essential for healers in vMol on twins and in hof with lots of need for purges.

Purge Tracker tracks who in your group has an effect that must be purged. Most purgeable effects--e.g., snares--are not tracked; this addon only tracks a specific set of pre-defined effects that are generally considered to be purge priorities.

Which effects are tracked?

The list of "must-purge" effects in this game is rather short; healers and tanks are required to slot a purge ability for only a few specific instances in PvE. As a result, this addon will enable itself only if it detects that the player is in one of the instances listed here.

Spindleclutch II
  • Enervating Seal
Cradle of Shadows
  • Sickening Poison
  • Delirium Poison
  • Enfeebling Poison
Maw of Lorkhaj
  • Ruthless Salvo Bleed
  • Lunar Flare
Halls of Fabrication
  • Shattered
  • Melting Point
  • Phlebotomize
  • Gaping Wound / Greater Defile
  • Venom Injection
Asylum Sanctorium
  • Overheated
  • Defiled
  • Trial by Fire
Blackrose Prison
  • Fire Gauntlet
  • Poisonbloom
  • Arrow Spray Poison
  • Venomous Spit

Major Courage Tracker

This add-on tracks the presence of the Major Courage buff in a group window frame by highlighting the users that have the buff present on them. The buff is tracked from the three item sets that provide Major Courage: Spell Power Cure, Vestment of Olorime, and Perfect Vestment of Olorime.

The window will only appear when in a trial instance (including vMA, vDSA, and vBRP) and can be re-positioned by clicking and dragging.

Download Here

Have any other add-ons you would use for Trials?

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