Consequences of Surge Change for Healers - Tasear's Tree House

Former Class Rep and Community Ambassador

Monday, July 29, 2019

Consequences of Surge Change for Healers

I think my last post was a bit too passive on the still up air change for Sorc healers. As requested from those who remember me a far, let me tell you how I feel. I am happy they they doing something. I likely won't quit the game. At last though there's a lot going wrong.

* You changed dps/healer type for nightblades to give distinction between role for nightblades. In fact you made it so dps type of healer still exist was lots of buffs towards nighblades so they could do he role.  Now question why do you think surge a dps skill will fair any different from path skill?

Eventually you will have to change surge so that one if for healing while other is for dps, but I ask you why not do it now and prevent issues before it happens? Right now aoe healing compontent will make sorc dps the best healers for dungeons in game. It will make sorcs healers a joke because all their skills will be better used on dps? So how does this reach objective of making healers better?

Honestly real answer you should nerf self heals, so it's either costly or more prudent to use a health? Most of us are trashing health pots... don't you think that's a sign?  Healers can handle the cost as we build for sustain but dps build for damage. I don't you can't make healing role more imporant or change how healing is done is the game if you are afraid to go all the way. Self healing needs to change.


  1. Hey I share the same concerns, how would you feel if Crit Surge dynamically scaled off highest offensive stats and all morphs gave Major Brutality/Sorcery. Power Surge could be changed to only proc based off of Critical Healing instead of Damage. Damage enables DD's to use the ability over Sorc Healers.

    Even with 40% spell crit you would have Power Surge going off every second with a group easily. Orbs tick every .5s and Grand Healing every 1s. That's about 3 ticks a second with basic abilities, 12/s ticks with only 4 allies.

    The radius and the stacking is the last concern, but that's up for ZOS to balance. I'd argue it should behave like Echoing Vigor and only allow 1 Power Surge active at a time.

    1. I think that's the best way to ensure the developer's vision and ensure that that we end up like nightblade healers who had issues with the division between their two roles.


What are your thoughts?