Sunpsire Healer Weekend 3 - Tasear's Tree House

Former Class Rep and Community Ambassador

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sunpsire Healer Weekend 3

 (shh ... lets ingore that I have 2 sources of magicka steal)

   Life...giver is nice... but I forgot to switch it to negate from last time.

Onwards the 3rd attempt with vSS we crushed the fire boss with new tactics... let just burn the fire atros....we ended running like a smooth machine and got the fire done in hour. The tactics involved less movement of lots of call outs to get back into position. This method... is probably called "stack and burn".

Though taking it back a bit, I feel we made a lot of progress, because we could recap and see what happened during the fight. Tasear worked this time not dying to gsyers....well more like downloaded code's combat alerts. It tells me to move my stupid ass away from incoming doom, so less worry about latency or cluster of things going on. Both healer improved on orbs in rotation so sustain was dreamlike to all allies. Also over the general course of using eso logs. I think each healer moved up a grade or 2. 

In regards to personal improvement went from mid 20s in hps to late 30s hps on average while on my best attempts going into early 40hps. Things I set out to do was increase orbs output and ...actually use healing springs enough to live up to healer "healer bot" name. There was also getting combat prayer rate even in chaos goal which I must say have completed. Also got 94.% uptime for minor prophecy for group. 

Overall, I give myself pat on back in improvement, but there's room still to improve. I really filled in gaps to my weakness, but still could improve combat prayer numbers and uptime along with Siphon Spirit. Major courage is something to look at eventually but steady hitting mid 80s in uptime, so not so bad I say so myself. I shall continue onward for improvements.


  1. Hi!
    Which Addon is that ?! Looks awesome for healer self-feedback.

    1. It's actually in game feature. Look in game play settings or do /encounter


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